Wargame red dragon south africa
Wargame red dragon south africa

wargame red dragon south africa

Finally, the Rooikat ZA-35 (1992 prototype) is a variant of the wheeled tank with its turret removed and replaced by a radar-guided twin 35mm system. This vehicle was succeeded by the Bosvark, an armored Samil truck with captured ZU-23-2 twin 23mm guns. This is a Buffel light armored truck fielding an Oerlikon 20mm gun. AA cannon vehicles with the Ystervark (1980) leading the way.In-game, it is a 40km ranged 155mm howitzer, with a round dispersion closer to a regular mortar.Īnd last up, the South African anti-aircraft vehicles, pooled in two distinct families: This latter unit is a lightly armored but fast-wheeled SPG, being among the world’s most accurate artillery pieces by the end of the Cold War. Nonetheless, this grandfather of self-propelled artillery is rather slow (as you would expect) and only belatedly replaced by the excellent 155mm G6-45 Rhino (1987). SPG vehicles include the venerable WW2 relic Sexton (1944!) with its still decent 25-pdr gun.All of these vehicles come equipped with HE and smoke rounds. This vehicle evolved into the Ratel 81 (1985) and Ratel 120 (1994 prototype), which are respectively a 81mm and 120mm mortar carriers.

wargame red dragon south africa

Mortar vehicles include the Eland 60 (1978) 60mm mortar carrier, identical to the French AML-60.Finally, we have the Bateleur (1989) built on top of an armored Samil, carrying two 20-tube which can rain down devastating salvos of its 127mm cluster ammunition. This unit is the most widespread and standardized South African MRLS, with a classic HE and smoke loadout for its 24-tube 127mm rockets. The Valkiri (1981) is manufactured on a light Unimog chassis. In-game, it will come with an incendiary loadout. This one is only encountered in Airborne and Support decks, being a light MRLS based on a Chinese-made 16-tube Type 63 107mm rocket launcher bolted on a Rover jeep. There are quite a few artillery options, including: Using HESH rounds, all 105mm and 120mm South African tanks receive a “British” +1 HE damage bonus.


Their key feature is their high accuracy (65%) and almost full gun stabilization, making these wheeled tanks ideal for hit-and-run strikes.

wargame red dragon south africa

With 3 FAV, they are incredibly fast (120km/h) “glass-cannons.” The 76mm variant has 2100m, while the 105mm gets 2275m range. These rapid and cool-looking vehicles can be deployed in two variants: the Rooikat 76 Mk1C (1989, including a recon variant) and the Rooikat 105 (1994 prototype). This tank is a 1994 prototype MBT, a planned but canceled South African “heavy.” It is close to a USMC M1A1(HC) Abrams, featuring the same FAV but lesser side and rear armor, but more accurate and with 23 AP. The Optimum is an up-armored Mk1B with improved optics. The Mk1B gets +2 FAV and a major motorization, accuracy and stab upgrade. With the Mk1A, the Olifant reaches the 2275m range, with a slightly better motorization and accuracy/stab over its predecessor. The Mk1 can be considered a rough equivalent to the Israeli Sh’ot Kal with a +1 FAV, but slower. The tracked heavy-weight brawler of South Africa’s arsenal comes in a myriad of versions such as the Mk1 (including command variant), Mk1A (1985), Mk1B (1991), and Mk1B Optimum (1994 prototype). First up: the almighty TANK, which in Wargame: Red Dragon - Nation Pack: South Africa is brought to you in three distinct South African “families”:

Wargame red dragon south africa