Hot women having sex
Hot women having sex

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We finished quickly and returned to our seats unseen. I followed Mario’s lead, all the while hoping and praying we wouldn’t be caught. This was another first for me-a rather terrifying one. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but we actually snuck into the bathroom and had a quickie in one of the stalls. The theater was very dark, and so during the second act, I grazed my hand over the front of his pants.

hot women having sex

Later that evening, Mario and I were scheduled to see a play. Play icon The triangle icon that indicates to play Even though it was a little slippery and hard to maneuver-it always looks so easy in the movies!-it was a pretty great way to start the day. We’d never done this before, but I had always wanted to try it. We both get ready for work at the same time, so I decided to surprise him in the shower by getting in and helping him soap up. My kids were at my ex’s, and Mario had stayed the night. I decided not to tell him about the challenge and just jumped right in. My boyfriend, Mario*, and I usually have sex three or four times a week, so this would be a significant increase. The only other time in my life I remember having sex more than once a day was when I was trying to get pregnant-and sex then was really just a means to an end. So when a friend posed a challenge to me to try having sex twice a day for a week, I was intrigued. As a 43-year-old divorced mother of three, I’m finally at a point in my life where I really enjoy sex, even if there’s not always a lot of time for it.

Hot women having sex